Shortly after the last video CloudFormation Templates and jq Tips, I wanted to know what the required parameters in a CloudFormation template were. This is also an easy task with jq. I’ll show you how to use jq to quickly summarize the required and optional parameters in a CloudFormation template in this post. It’s a one-liner 😁

First, we’ll download a sample template:

wget ""
mv EC2InstanceWithSecurityGroupSample.template ec2.json

To list the required parameters:

$ cat ec2.json | jq -r '.Parameters | to_entries | .[] | select(.value.Default == null) | .key'

To list the optional parameters:

$ cat ec2.json | jq -r '.Parameters | to_entries | .[] | select(.value.Default != null) | .key'

Hope you found this helpful. 🎉 This is also even shorter and sweeter with lono inspect summary.

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